We wanted to let you all know that we’ve reached a fun milestone: 500+ subscribers!! And we know how much you’ve all helped us get there -- with feedback on posts, ideas for new ones, and spreading the Nibbles word.
So thank you!
Now that we have enough to be considered a little tribe here, we’re hoping for two things out of you all:
That feedback, baby. Which type of posts have you liked? Which have you disliked? Did you like our one-off into true crime? Do you want more aliens? (wait, that’s obvious. We all want more aliens...) But really. Are there any topics you want us to cover? Let us know. We do this for you so we want to make sure it’s up to your standards!
Spread that word! Let’s grow this community together. The more of us there are, the better this will get. That’s just science. (or maybe pseudoscience, but we’re in for that too)
Anyway, keep an eye on your Inbox next Monday. We’re taking a dive into the theory that The Great Pyramid was actually an ancient energy source (it’s a doozy). And as always….
Stay ‘spicious out there folks.
Hey there dudes-
I'm a new reader, and wanted to say what up and thank you. I think I found the newsletter from the post Andy wrote on reddit about ancient nuclear war in India. It really blew my candles out. I'm a slut for secret/alternative history. Well anyway, keep doin the great work, and let me know what, as a reader, I can do to make ya'lls lives easier. Thanks!
Hello! I first started following after that story on French guy that killed his family..I really like your writing style and am mostly interested in true crime but other stories are interesting too. Since I'm new I only read few stories and liked them all..even the ones that I usually wouldn't bother reading (e.g.aliens). 👋👋