Mystery Mob!
I was writing an in-depth look at the Cecil Hotel and the Elisa Lam story (which we’ll still publish later) when Andy shot me the link of an article titled: “6 Crimes That Were Solved With the Help of Pizza.” Hot Dang!
Now if the mystery mob doesn’t love a story involving both crime AND pizza then I think we all need to evaluate some life choices here. So, ready or not (I’m not), here comes a mysterious nibble full of cheesy goodness.
In 2015, the Savopoulos family was kidnapped, stolen from, and killed. Then the perpetrator set their home on fire.
In 2010, LAPD detectives were trying to crack the case of the “Grim Sleeper,” a killer who had claimed at least ten female victims from 1985 to 2007.
Both of these incidents were solved by... (you guessed it) PIZZA. Or, more specifically, pizza crusts. In the Savopoulos case, suspect Daron Wint’s DNA was found on the crust of a Domino’s pizza that had been delivered to the house, presumably during the kidnapping. Although Wint family claimed that his arrest was a mistake, saying “he doesn’t like pizza and never eats pizza,” he was sentenced to life in prison.
And the “Grim Sleeper?” Detectives had been keeping an eye on suspect Lonnie Franklin, Jr. but hadn’t been able to collect hard evidence. Then one day, Franklin stopped for pizza and an undercover detective collected the leftovers for DNA testing. Franklin was convicted and sentenced to death for his crimes.
So for all of you monsters out there who DON’T eat pizza crust, just know that justice is coming.
Sometimes the truth hurts, y’all. And the truth (+ pizza) is exactly what put restaurateur Sarma Melngailis behind bars. In the early 2010’s, she and her husband ran a very successful vegan winery in New York City. But there were some less than respectable business practices behind the scenes. Apparently the couple spent around two million dollars of their investors’ money on travel & gambling. In 2014 alone, they transferred 1.6 million dollars from their business account to their personal account, leaving the company payroll in shambles.
After almost a year of running from the authorities, the pair must’ve been tired. In May of 2016, they stopped in charming Sevierville, Tennessee. After ordering a Domino’s pizza (that’s two solved crimes for the pizza giant btw,) they were tracked down as Melngailis’s husband had used his real name for the order. Melngailis denied eating the very non-vegan pizza and was sentenced to a year after taking a plea deal.
Are you in trouble? Can’t say out loud that you need help? Well, in 2015, a story circulated about a woman who had called 911 and pretended to order a pizza while still asking for help. When the dispatcher told the woman she had called 911, she calmly responded, “Yeah, I know. Can I have a large with half pepperoni, half mushroom and peppers?”
Luckily, the dispatcher kept her cool and checked the address. She saw that there had been multiple reports of domestic violence at that location and sent officers in. They found the woman who had called had been beaten by her drunk boyfriend. He was arrested.
Want to take a larger bite?
Grab couple larger nibbles:
Well? Any other times food has saved the day?
Do you know of any crimes solved by food? Let us know and we’ll be sure to follow up.
As always,
Stay ‘spicious
-Andy & Mark
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