Today’s article is a bit special in that there will, as always, be some conspiring but also (gasp) some truth! And that truth is… Tom DeLonge, co-founder of Blink-182, is an actual UFO-ologist (he studies and pursues unidentified flying objects or aircraft.)
Let us begin...

Say It Ain’t So, I will not go, something something something UFO
As if 2020 couldn’t get any weirder, does everyone remember the fact that the Department of Defense released three declassified videos of “unexplained aerial phenomena?” No joke, around May of 2020, the Pentagon officially released three short videos in order to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real.”
Luis Elizondo, the former head of a now classified UFO program for the DOD, claims that "these aircraft -- we'll call them aircraft -- are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of." Elizondo says he resigned in 2017 in protest over the secrecy surrounding the UFO program.
So, amidst the hellhole that this year has been, the United States military admitting they have confirmed footage of unidentifiable flying objects seemed to slip right through the bigger stories of this year. And the man responsible for the original circulating footage? You guessed it: Tom DeLonge, Former member of Blink-182.

I Called the Mothership… from a Payphone.
In 1999, on blink-182’s album Enema of the State, DeLonge sang the lyrics:
I know the CIA would say
What you hear is all hearsay
I wish someone would tell me what was right
Stories of DeLonge reading about alien contact & UFO’s while on Blink’s tour bus seem to hint that he knew even in the earliest stages of their stardom that he would one day leave it all to pursue his passion.
In response to his critics after he made the switch: “Would I leave rock and roll just to go do something that there's no data for and it's just, like, pie in the sky and we're just imagining things? No! Why would I? That's insane. But would I leave it for something that I truly think can change the world and have a positive impact and make it a better place, and something that needs to be dealt with, something that's serious?"
Clearly, he thought he was onto something, something out of this world...

This may change things forever... and ever, let’s make this last forever.
DeLonge founded the To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences with Elizondo in 2017, right after Blink-182 broke up for the second time in 2015. The Academy’s main goal is to “collect documents and physical materials from public and private sources related to the UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) to study it and then transition the transformative technologies behind it to wider applications of public benefit.” What does that mean? They find the suspicious videos the government’s been hiding from us and publish it with as much authentic verification as possible.
In fact, DeLonge feels that the government acted the way they did this year because of the investigative work of the Academy. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he claimed the higher ups at the Pentagon are saying, “alright it’s time to start talking about it because Tom and his rascals are putting our feet to the fire.” The video he feels is the most important release? This one.
Even President Trump mentioned the footage claiming it was “a hell of a video.”
Don’t Waste Your Time on me I’m already the voice that writes this blog
I guess the whole point of an “unidentified craft” is that it’s well, unidentified. But...what do you think, readers? Aliens? Military technology from China or Russia? Take a deeper dive below and let us know in the comments!
Tom’s show on the History Channel “Unidentified”
As always, stay ‘spicious.
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