Mystery Mob!!
Today’s mystery has all the elements of a classic Mystery Nibbles article:
A mysterious disappearance
Sri Lanka
Okay, well... at least maybe just the first thing.
Before we hand you the goods, let’s see how your riddlin’ skills held up this week:
Sheltered I’ll live longer,
I have feathers, but do not fly,
Upend me when you feel warm.
What am I?
Answer: A pillow!
Now let’s see if you can solve this week’s nibble before the end!
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge
You’ve trained your entire life for this moment. You’ve sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears to become the best physical specimen and teammate that you can possibly be. You’ve earned your place to represent your country on an international level…
Only to lose every single match and then disappear completely.
Was it out of shame? Or something more… malicious? Sounds like a heck of a mystery, even if one player went missing. But the entire team? 23 players plus their coach & manager? What in the wild wild world of sports happened here?
Munich, Germany
In September of 2004, the German Sports Exchange Programme (GSEP) hosted a handball tournament for countries from all over the world to participate in. Sri Lanka showed up and played… pretty dismally. The team lost every single match and were “suspicious to begin with.”
The day after their poor performances, no one could find them. Originally, the GSEP thought,
“the team had got[ten] lost in nearby woods while jogging.”
But it was after the Sri Lankan government was contacted that things became even more confusing. Turns out… Sri Lanka sports officials informed the GSEP that there “was no such team.”
With this revelation, the authorities were contacted and the “handball team’s” hotel rooms were searched. Police found a letter in English left behind in their lodgings, thanking the local club for its hospitality and saying they had left for France. They “even left their dirty laundry,” according to the police.
As the true data came to light, the reality was that the entire team plus the coach & manager were absolutely not a professional handball team. According to the GSEP officials:
“They presented documents, and the documents looked all right, so there was no reason to [not] give [them] a visa.”
They were all legally allowed to stay in Germany for over a month so, taking advantage of that fact, they ducked out at the very first opportunity.
What we don’t know is motive (the main theories are political asylum or illegal immigration) and how everything turned out for the “team.” The original letter left in the hotel seemed to be a false lead and there were rumors that the team had gone to Italy instead.
The only thing we do know for sure, is that the head of the GSEP was… a little salty about the whole thing.
“This will be the last time we will be doing this,” claimed Mr. Doering, “I am not planning to invite anymore teams from Sri Lanka.”
Deeper dives:
So, what do we think, Mystery Mob? Where did the team end up?
Some actual handball highlights
The movie based on this true story
As always,
Stay ‘spicious
-Andy & Mark
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