Mystery Mob!
Before we get to the riddle to start your morning, we have an announcement:
Escape the Internet: Mystery Nibbles’ Official Interactive Detective Game with puzzles, ciphers, and riddles:
Mysteriosos, Sleuths, Detectives… it’s finally time for the big beta drop!
On this Friday, in lieu of a post, we’ve decided to let every single one of our subscribers take a stab at Part 1 of our Detective Series…FOR FREE.
Why free you ask? A few reasons:
1) We want to know if it’s something you all would want to do more of (aka we want to know if it’s worth making Parts 2-4 to release to a wider audience for an actual price).
2) We want your feedback on how you’d make it better.
3) We want to make sure our mystery making skills are right in that Goldilocks middle — fun and challenging, but not too easy or too difficult.
So keep an eye out for our email this Friday. It should be fun!
Now, back to the riddle:
I am light, my twin is dark.
We start our duel,
Four to six paces apart.
What am I?
Answer…will be provided in Friday’s post.
(Also, if you want to take a guess in the meantime, reply to this email and we’ll let you know if you’re right.)
As always,
Stay ‘spicious
-Andy & Mark
Pssst. Hey! You. Yeah, you, the one still reading. Question: are you a true fan of Mystery and Crime? If so, join our official Mystery Nibbles Facebook group and our official SubReddit. We discuss all the goods: mysteries, crime, and anything ‘spicious.