Still getting a 404 error code on that link for the Jamison family. But I Googled them, and found some interesting stuff. But I keep wondering about the cash found in their truck. And the fact that more than one article claimed "The Jamisons were known for carrying large amounts of cash with them" KNOWN. Why in the heck would you just carry large amounts of cash like that, and then let people KNOW you were doing so???
Appreciate the heads up. So we cannot fix a link in the email once it's already sent out (unless you want to get the same email again and we don't want to spam that inbox). But the link on the site itself should be fixed and ready to go! But here's the link if you want to read a bit further:
And yes the cash is certainly odd. For the unexplained disappearances/deaths out there where cash is involved, it always makes me think they could have been involved with drugs/mafia and potentially witness protection programs.
Thanks for the feedback! And yeah, probably murdered. But you never know...head could have been removed post mortem and then embalmed (which might make it even creepier?). Who knows!
Still getting a 404 error code on that link for the Jamison family. But I Googled them, and found some interesting stuff. But I keep wondering about the cash found in their truck. And the fact that more than one article claimed "The Jamisons were known for carrying large amounts of cash with them" KNOWN. Why in the heck would you just carry large amounts of cash like that, and then let people KNOW you were doing so???
Appreciate the heads up. So we cannot fix a link in the email once it's already sent out (unless you want to get the same email again and we don't want to spam that inbox). But the link on the site itself should be fixed and ready to go! But here's the link if you want to read a bit further:
And yes the cash is certainly odd. For the unexplained disappearances/deaths out there where cash is involved, it always makes me think they could have been involved with drugs/mafia and potentially witness protection programs.
I love that you included a link to a doggo video to lighten the mood! If I ran a business, I would most definitely sponsor you guys!
Ha, thank you for reading! And yes, it's important to lighten the mood after a post on murder.
Link for "further reading on the Jamison family" seem to be broken...
Thank you!! Fixed.
Fun read. Although I'm pretty sure the embalmed woman was murdered. Since, you know, her head was detached.
Thanks for the feedback! And yeah, probably murdered. But you never know...head could have been removed post mortem and then embalmed (which might make it even creepier?). Who knows!