Mystery Mob!
Last week, I stumbled upon an image reportedly used by the FBI to test potential candidates during their interview process. I sent it over to our Mystery Nibbles subReddit and it generated some fun really fun chatter.
So this week, I wanted to share with our email crew (I know many of you don’t do the whole Reddit thing), to see if you can solve it.
Use the comment section (button under the image to give your answer), and make sure to include your reasoning as to why it is murder or suicide.
See you next week!
If you like these, please let us know and I’ll find more for next week!
As always,
Stay ‘spicious
-Andy & Mark
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Murder. Wound on right side of head but splattered on wall suggests she was facing outward at the time. Cigarette in hand (as everyone else has said). Stool under table as she fell forward and to her left. One shoe (where’s the other?) would have still been on her foot if suicide. Also being in front suggests facing outward. Everything laid calmly and neatly on the table beforehand - and cigarette in hand - suggests she knew and was comfortable with the other person.
Gun in right hand means nothing - a lot of lefties are functionally right handed, especially with gross motor coordinated movements such as shooting.
I know this is old but I sure miss Mystery Nibbles emails!!!!
The pen, drink, and ash tray are on the left side of the note indicating she was left handed but the gun is in the right hand. She also smokes with the left hand. The glasses are facing towards the note, indicating she was facing the direction when shot. The stool fell to the right.
I think she was sitting on the stool facing towards the note when shot from the right side and the gun placed in the wrong hand.